Hey Y'all
Here's me in a nutshell
First off, thanks for being here;)
My name is Shawn, and I am a 20-something college student charged with making a ~personal brand~ online for one of my advertising classes. I’ve never been great at the whole social media thing, but one thing I am good at is talking. And what am I best at talking about? Myself. Who isn't? And what I’m second best at is giving advice, or so I think I am and have been told by my friends I am so what better thing to base my brand on than that? This page aims to make college students and 20-somethings feel less alone and talk about what real life is like at this time in our lives, not just how it appears to be online… I’m a big advocate of communication and especially communication about your feelings. I’m not however a big advocate of putting it all online…but in the name of transparency and authenticity I’m gonna try it out for a little. I’ll be posting advice on people’s problems, things I’ve learned and experienced, words of wisdom, and maybe some memes here and there. We'll see how this evolves together but thank you for coming along on this journey with me and welcome to Totally Unprompted: The Advice You Didn't Ask For presented to you by your favorite unlicensed therapist friend.